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Can I change my delivery address?

yes, please tell us via email as soon as possible before it dispatching from our warehouse.Usually,contact us within 24 hours after placing order will be highly appreciate.

What if I miss the parcel courier?

Usually,3 attempts of delivery will be provided.In order to avoid that, please spare your carrier a time slot and ensure access is clear and safe.

I've tracked my order with your delivery company and it says it's been lost, or has already been delivered, but I don't have it. What should I do?

We use specialist third party companies to deliver your products to you as efficiently as possible. In rare cases they might experience a few hiccups or communication issues. The problem is most likely due to IT tracking issues, or they may have left your delivery with a friendly neighbour. Don't worry, we're here to help. If you still haven't been able to track it down, just get in touch.

It's been longer than the estimated lead time and I still haven't received my order. What should I do?

Firstly, we'd like to apologise. We work hard with our manufacturers to reduce lead times and avoid delays, which we let you know about as and when they arise. If you've been waiting longer than you should have and you haven't heard from us , go to  get in touch with us and we'll give you the latest info.You can reach us via email at

What if I found the item comes by accident?

Firstly, we'd like to apologise. If our carriers damage your purchase(s) in the course of delivery, we are only obligated to repair yours, replace with the same model(s), or refund your.We are not obligated to compensate you financial loss or damage at the time of delivery.